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American Directory
of Certified AYUSH Practitioners 2025

Those AYUSH Practitioners are interested to get listed in American Directory may share their profile here till 30 May 2025. After verification of submitted Profiles of AYUSH Practitioners will be Published. Listing in American Directory is FREE OF CHARGE for AYUSH Practitioners for all. Directory 2025 are available for sale in April 2026, Click Here to get listed
Price Pre publication : $ 50
Price after Publication : $ 60 [ Include packing, postage/shipment ]

USD : 50.00

Certified AYUSH Practitioners

Those AYUSH practitioners name are accepted for inclusion in American AYUSH Corporation Directory of Certified AYUSH Practitioners 2025 and received Confirmation Letter by email are eligible to get Certified AYUSH Practitioners CERTIFICATE on payment of prescribed Fees. You can book and get certificate.
Fees for Certified AYUSH Practitioners CERTIFICATE :
[ Include packing, postage/shipment ]

USD : 120.00

Certified AYUSH PRODUCT Manufacturer

Those AYUSH Product Manufacturers and AYUSH Institutions profile are accepted for inclusion in American Directory of Certified AYUSH Practitioners 2025 and received Confirmation Letter by email are eligible to get Certified AYUSH PRODUCT Manufacturer Certificate on payment of prescribed Fees.
Fees for Certified AYUSH Practitioners CERTIFICATE :
[ Include packing, postage/shipment ]

USD : 120.00

American AYUSH Medical Journal [ AAMJ ]

The AAC, USA publish American AYUSH Medical journal containing articles on Research on AYUSH. Health, Disorders and management by holistic and spiritual sciences and contributed by dedicated AYUSH Professional, Researchers, Academician who make substantial contribution to International, National level. For additional details contact us.
Email : ayushcorporation14@gmail.com
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Text book / Hand Book on AYUSH System

The American AYUSH Corporation, USA publish Text Book / Hand Book on AYUSH System and on its different specialized subjects. The most books authored by renowned and dedicated AYUSH Professional , Researchers, Academician who make substantial contribution to International , National Level. For additional details contact us.
Email : ayushcorporation14@gmail.com
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Biography of Renowned AYUSH Practitioners

The American AYUSH Corporation, USA publish Biography of Distinguished Personalities in AYUSH Sciences from around the World in American Directory of Certified AYUSH Practitioners. The Board of Advisors , AAC, USA nominate / recommend some limited Distinguished Personalities from AYUSH fraternity . For additional details contact us.
Email : ayushcorporation14@gmail.com
Whatsapp :

Listing of AYUSH Product Manufacturers and AYUSH Institutions

The AAC, USA publish information about AYUSH Product Manufacturers and AYUSH Institutions around the World in American Directory of Certified AYUSH Practitioners.
AYUSH product manufacturers are companies that produce a wide range of products based on the principles and practices of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH).
These institutions play a vital role in preserving and advancing the knowledge and practices associated with each of these systems. Here are some examples of AYUSH institutions
For additional details write to :
Email : ayushcorporation14@gmail.com
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